Sunday, July 20, 2008

Shit Face =__=

I never go for volley ball training for more than 2 or 3 months :
now Seow Jing doesn't wants to go training with me =/ cause she wants to pak toh =_= Fine , so i never stay back for very long time .
How is Suet Yen ?
Ohh , she ? So far so good (:

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

RKA day =(

Today is RKA day. Its known as "Rekod Kemajuan Diri".
Mum went school to take it for me (:
And obviously! I didn't go to school today. Was lazy to lah ><
Its better to sleep at home than to wake up so early just to get that fcuking report card right ? hahas.

Anyhoo. I woke up and I called my mum.
She sounds sooo..erm.. normal?
She don't seem like she's pissed or anything. I hope she's not lah ><
It really scares me whenever she's pissed.
As for my dad? I don't even know whether does he know anything about RKA day or not.
Cause I didn't tell him anything about my results or RKA day.

Owhhh welll..
Just hope their not mad at me. Cause my results really do suck.
I failed 4 subjects. Sejarah, Geografi, Maths and Science =(
I really wonder how am I going to get A's for my PMR when I failed all my studying subjects . haihs.

I got no.21 and SuetYen got no.28 in class.
And its over 30 people! goshh~
Can you imagine how badly we got for our mid-year exams ?=(

From now on, Im so gonna start studying like a mad woman already!
I can't go on with this. Getting bad results suck.
And if I don't at least get 4A's for my PMR, its gonna suck even more.
So yeah, Im going to be a nerd. Nerdy nerd. =D